Friday, April 10, 2009


Our intentions were to update the blog daily; however, our days have been busy and long, finding ourselves too tired to update the computer. Sunday we ministered at the morning and evening services. We had a ladies event. We had a backyard type VBS event with puppets at Ontario, Buena Vista, Faith Church, Garage. A small group of us visited the orphanage we went to last year. We gave out beans and rice. The men put a cement floor in the home of an 80-something year old woman, as her floor was dirt and when it rained her bed would sink down. They also did several work projects here at Camp Uriah.

Our hearts have been touched beyond words. We have so much to share. We have been blessed immensely all week. Please hold Joel and Damaris in your prayers, as the mission here is quite large. Over 400 children are on a waiting list here at Camp Uriah for sponsorship. The children need sponsors to afford to attend school. Sponsorship is $250 per year. The children, and the people, are beautiful,humble people.

We're coming home, but our hearts shall not forget the blessings of the week and the people that have tugged on our heart. Hearts have been receptive here to the Good News that Jesus is Alive! Happy Good Friday! See you tomorrow!

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