Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Salt and Light to Little Ones...

Today the team packed rice and beans to take to the local community of Buena Vista. We left on the bus after an early lunch. Noting could have prepared our hearts for the faces we would see as we drove in to this community.

We drove up to the small school and children outside smiled and waved at the bus. We all grabbed bags of rice, beans and "goodie bags" with toiletry items. We divided into groups of two or three and the children followed us. On every street you would see groups of children with our team members. As the children walked with us, many of them would sing. Our group sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children". They were delighted to help carry the bags of rice and beans to the local homes.

Next, the puppet team set up their stage outside on the concrete porch of the school. They performed a puppet show with music for the children. Each child came out of their classroom with their wooden chair. They loved the puppets! They smiled and laughed at the show. It was beautiful to see their faces.

After the show the children went back to their classroom. We visited each class and gave toys to the little ones and notebooks or toiletry items to the older ones. They were so grateful...even for a pencil.

Our devotion was given by Mrs. Rhonda tonight and was based on Matthew 5: 11-16. We are to be salt and light to te world. We pray that we were salt and light to these little ones today. They blessed our hearts!


Unknown said...

It is amazing how something as simple as a pencil can make such a difference. I will be praying for your day tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing how everything turned out. Don't forget to let us know what you ate at the cookout!

Rebecca said...

Hey guys! Great to hear that you are touching so many lives. I hope that you will continue to be salt and light to the people in Belize.

Mrs. Rhonda, I hope the bugs and chickens haven't eaten you yet.

Congrats sis on getting stage mananger! I miss you bunches!The house is too quiet without you here.

I hope you have fun today at the orphange! I cann't wait to hear about it later. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember your doing this for HIM!


KT Michelle said...

Hey guys! Amazing to hear that you are touching so many people. God is working through you as you allow him to shine his light through you. When these people look at you, they are seeing a picture of how Jesus lived. Keep being salt and light. As John Orr has said before, one of the purposes of salt is to create thirst. You guys are creating a thirst in these people for God. Keep up the good work and keep planting seeds in the hearts of these people for God! ("I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6)
Miss you all and am praying for you !

Rebecca said...

Hey guys thought i would give you the offical times for the lunar eclipse(in Belize time)
7:43 - Partial Eclipse begins
9:01 - Total Eclipse begins(moon turns redish orange)
9:51 - Total eclipse ends
11:09 - Partial Eclipse ends (Hope your not up this late)

Just thought i would tell yall the offical times!
Love yall!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear that God is already working in the lives of those you are ministering to. I can't wait to hear more about it and see all of the pictures you bring home with you.

Mindy, I love you and I miss you, Sissy!

shelli said...

My heart is just so full for you all.What a difference this is going to make to those children and the amazing disciples God has sent there. We miss you all and all our prayers are with you.