Monday, April 2, 2012

Misty's Moments

So, we've been here for a couple of days now and things are surprisingly better than I thought! Hailey and I are sleeping in a cabana with two other ladies who are wonderful. It reminds me of camping when I was younger. There's no bathroom in our cabana, so we have to go to the bathhouse for restroom and showers. Last night I showered while standing in a couple of inches of water because the drains weren't draining. My apologies to the husband, but I wasn't alone in the shower. I was joined by a cricket and a moth (both sadly had drowned...did I do that?!). At least we have showers, right?! The days are really hot, and air conditioners are few and far between in these villages. We do have one in our cabana, but we only turn it on after dinner so we can sleep better.

Today we really began our work. We left early and headed to a small community center in Blackman's Eddy (I think that's how you spell it). Our puppet team performed for the first part of the program. I've watched these teens perform at home, and I knew they did a great job there (in the comfort of our air-conditioned church). It amazes me how well they do here with less than ideal conditions. I had no idea how much work goes into these productions!! These teens work hard and never complain! Anyway, as I was figuring out what my role was at this place, my sweet daughter had found 5 new friends who she was getting to know! Then, when the puppets started, she lead them to the front and sat with them during the whole show! She even had one of the littlest girls in her lap!! For those who don't know Hailey, she tends to be on the bashful side. How proud was I to see her take such interest in these kids who are so different from her. I was still figuring out my role when the puppets were done, then I met Jenny. She said she was 10, but she looked to me about 7 or 8. She wanted someone to help her, and it was my pleasure to take her from Play-doh to coloring bags to bracelets to necklaces. I got to share the salvation necklace beads to her, which was cute. She smiled and nodded as I explained it to her. At the end of the VBS time, she didn't want to leave. Hailey took our picture, so I will remember her long after we come back. Hailey also took a picture with her friend from Blackman Eddy.

After some walking in the villages around the community center, we were all very hot and feeling quite drained (not to mention starving!) How excited were we when we gotto the air-conditioned ice cream parlor!!! You could see the place we went on facebook (I think...they did have a sign that says to follow them on facebook) and it was called Western Dairy. Yumm-o!! I actually got a slice of pizza here, too. Surprisingly, Hailey turned down the pizza for her Nutella sandwich and 2 bologna sandwiches!! I didn't even know she liked bologna (did you CB?) We got a little more ice cream to go. That was exactly what I needed to get me ready for the next village.

Buena Vista was different from the morning VBS community. As soon as they saw our bus come through, they were literally running after us. We set up quickly with the same crafts as this morning, but the kids kept asking for more. It was another proud moment to watch Hailey take the inititative to help with face painting the kids! I was on supply patrol (watching the extra supplies so they didnt walk away). I was surprised at how many were there, and they just kept coming out of the woodwork!! What beautiful children they are down here, too. As supplies began disappearing...literally being taken, we changed gears to begin giving out the beans and rice, hygiene packs and school packs. We sent many families back to their home to get their packs, while others stayed to get theirs. I had the privilege of handing the moms their packs first. They had to line up single file, so we could monitor the giving (some would go through the line twice if allowed). Then, I got to give the kids their school packs and the not school-aged kids a beanie baby toy. They were so grateful for the little bit that we gave them. As we left, we got tot visit Rhonda's sponsor family. We gave them supplies and other goodies and asked to pray for them. The only thing she wanted us to pray for is peace for their family. Not more money or a better place to live or even better floors (than dirt)...but for peace. Amazing.

Overall, I'm enjoying the experience of sharing God's love with so many people who don't know Him. Interesting to me how much easier it is to share with those who I don't know rather than those I do know at home. As Hailey said, after I asked her why she was not as shy down here, "it's because they don't know me here!" I hope some of the ease of sharing here will follow us home.

Thanks to everyone who supported us before this trip and during our time here now. Love to ya'll at home! Goodnight Chris and Tyler!! Love and miss you both!



Lori Jantosciak said...

Yeah Misty! I was so happy to check the blog tonight and see that you had left a post! It sounds like you are doing such wonderful things there! What a great experience for you and Hailey! I love how you have described everything!Tell Hailey Hi for us!
We love you guys! See you soon!
Love~ Lori, Brian, Lexi and Alyssa

kmn411 said...

I'm so excited for you both!! What a great experience:)) Tell Hailey we are so proud of her..we can't wait to hear all of her stories!! We love you guys!! Miss you!


Donna Waller said...

Hey my babies! MISS Y'ALL! I have read every word of your "dream" TWICE Misty and probably will again! You may want to let Bug blog next though,just sayin'..hehe! So proud of you both! Take y'all!

Donna Waller said...

P.S. You have won 1st place for the longest blog ever..therefore I am overlooking any and all spelling errors! XXXOOOO